Abhishek Raj


MS & Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering- Indian Institute of Technology Madras, (July 2013 – July 2018)

B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering – Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna (M.P), India, (July 2009- May 2013)


Abhishek Raj grew up in Bihar, India. He holds a Ph.D degree from “Indian Institute of Technology Madras”. In his Ph.D, he has worked on Flow dynamics through deformable microchannels, cell mechanophenotyping and the interaction between deformable objects (such droplet and cells) with the deformable boundaries. As part of his PhD, he had developed a constriction based high throughput microfluidic device for cell mechanophenotyping. In his free time, Abhishek likes to do martial arts, loves music and is a certified trainer for “Sudarshan Kriya Yoga” from “The Art of Living Foundation”.

List of Publications: 

  1. Raj, M. Dixit, M. Doble, A. K. Sen, A combined experimental and theoretical approach towards mechano-phenotyping of biological cells using a constricted microchannel, Lab on Chip, 17, 3704–3716, (2017)
  2. Raj, A. K. Sen, Flow induced deformation of compliant microchannel and its effect on pressure-flow characteristics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20:31, 1-13, DOI 10.1007/s10404-016-1702-9, (2016)
  3. Sajeesh, A. Raj, M. Doble, A. K. Sen, Characterization and sorting of cells based on stiffness contrast in a microfluidic channel, RSC Advances, 6, 74704, (2016)
  4. Iyer, A. Raj, R. K. Annabatula, A. K. Sen, Experimental and numerical studies of a microfluidic device with compliant chambers for flow stabilization, J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25, 075003, (2015).
  5. Raj, R. Halder, P. Sajeesh, A. K. Sen, Droplet generation in a microchannel with a controllable deformable wall, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 20:102, (2016)
  6. Raj and A. K. Sen, Entry and passage behavior of biological cells in constricted flexible microchannel, RSC Advances, 2018, DOI:10.1039c8ra02763c.
  7. Banerjee, A. Raj, A.K. Sen, Dynamics of aqueous ferrofluid droplets at coflowing liquid-liquid interface under a non-uniform magnetic field, Applied Physics letters, 2018 (Accepted).
  8. Raj, A. K. Sen, “Microfluidic Sensors for Mechanophenotyping of Biological Cells” (Book entitled “Environmental, Chemical and Medical Sensors”) Springer, 1sted. 2018 edition (January 26, 2018), ISBN-10: 9811077509


Email: abhishek.raj@me.gatech.edu                                                                                                                                                                            Office: Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences                                                                                                                        315Ferst Dr. #2112 Atlanta, GA 30332