Mehdia Nadeem Rajab Ali


MS BMED (Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering), Georgia Institute of Technology (2022 – Present)
MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), Aga Khan University, Pakistan (2015 – 2021)


Mehdia was born and raised in Karachi, Pakistan where she also attended medical school. Her passion for interdisciplinary science motivated her to explore various kinds of research early on as a medical student. Her first exposure towards using microfluidics for addressing medical qualms was in 2019 at the Meta Acoustic Lab where she focused on using acoustofluidics as a potential treatment for osteoarthritis. Given her medical background and experience with Health tech, Mehdia is a big proponent of translational research which can be bootstrapped to address clinical needs. Mehdia looks to baking, reading, writing, trying out new coffee brews, petting cats and hiking for fun.

Research Project:

Real time microfluidic cell sensing and sorting to evaluate chemo drug resistance in leukemia cells

Publications: Google Scholar

Contact Information:

Office: Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences
315 Ferst Dr. #2112 Atlanta, GA 30332