Hoseyn A. Amiri


PhD, Mechanical Engineering – Georgia Institute of Technology (2023 – Present)
MSc, Biomedical Engineering – Iran University of Science and Technology (2016 – 2019)
BSc, Mechanical Engineering – Babol Noshirvani University of Technology (2012 – 2016)


Hoseyn is the coder and the computational geek of our Lab. As an undergrad in Iran, he worked on turbulent flows and tools to harness their tidal energy. As a Master’s student, he developed a design optimization platform for iDEP devices. Now, he is modeling and tracking cells in various cases from AFM to high-speed microfluidic devices via computational software and computer vision. Hoseyn is also an artist who loves playing and composing songs from time to time. Check out his SoundCloud!

Publications: Google Scholar

GitHub: HoseynAAmiri

Contact Information:

Email: hoseyn.amiri@gatech.edu
Office: Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences
315 Ferst Drive, 2A Offices, Atlanta, GA-30332