Our Focus
Multidimensional biomechanical measurement
Multidimensional biomechanical measurement •Invasive ovarian cancer cells •Nonlinear strain hardening of polymer films •Tissue & Protein mechanics
Microfluidic platform for cell transfection using volume exchange
• Delivering nanoparticles • Delivering tracer molecules • Delivering Cas9 proteins • Delivering mRNA
Microfluidic platforms for cell sorting into biomechanical phenotypes
•Sorting by stiffness •Sorting by size •Cell sorting by differences of viscoelasticty •Cell fractionation for ultra-high sample purity
Multifunctional particles for targeting and biological activation
•Biological Janus particles •Particles to activate the immune system
Inexpensive heat engines for pumping
•liquid piston Stirling engines •Single and Multicylinder engines •Flexible engines •Solar powered engines •High school education
Determining interaction energy wells and adhesion forces
•Tip hovering by feedback to cantilever dynamics •Multivalent interactions in biology and biomedicine
Atomic force microscopy advancement
•Microfluidic Liquid Cell •High-speed AFM imaging •High-resolution AFM imaging